Susan and I took a trip to Malibu California to attend my friend Bill’s wedding. We took it as an opportunity to get some sight-seeing in as well. I think it may have been the first time Susan was separated with the kids, ever. It didn’t take her long slip in to things once she caught some views of the coast, and the mountains.
Since we knew there was going to be some sight-seeing, and some trips up the coast to see some wineries, we rented a Camaro (that I have been wanting to test drive) to open it up on the PCH. Saw some really established vines at the Fess Parker winery, trunks as big as my legs. It was a time to remember for sure. Susan kept commenting that she didn’t expect to see such beauty when all she knows about was the bad rap California has on the news. The landscape is mind-blowing, and it’s true when they say everything is bigger out west.
I got to catch up with many friends who I haven’t seen in a long time. Friends that once worked with me back here in the midwest before taking off out west. It was a great reunion and we got a chance to catch up at Bill and Madison’s wedding, which by the way, was awesome in every way. It was obvious that a lot of effort, and time went in to the wedding as it was set outside at the Calamigos Ranch (the same place where Biggest Loser takes place). Here are some pics of our venture.