Here is where we work on our family history. If you don’t know where you are from, it’s hard to know where you’re going? In researching our family’s past, we’ve found some pretty amazing characters who led “big” lives. They set a high bar for us to live up to. Finding out about our past enlightens us, inspires us, and moves us forward. Please excuse our dust as this area is always under construction!
More Genealogy Posts

John Frederick Dornette and Barbara Anna (nee Scherzer)
John Frederick Dornette was born April 12, 1845 in Hanover, Germany and died February 24,…

Ralph Balsly
Ralph T. Balsly is the son of Ralph Ernst Balsly and Agnes May Webster. He was…

William Ohlhauser and Matilda (nee Dornette)
William Peter Ohlhauser is the son of William Leonard Ohlhauser and Elizabeth Herweh. He was…
William U. Morgan
William Ulysses Morgan is the son of James Wright Morgan and Helen Marr Lambert. He was…
Florence Morgan
Florence is the daughter of Henry H Holzhause and Alma A. Bunselmeier. She was born on…

Arthur E. Morgan, the collectivist in the family
We Morgan’s have some pretty interesting people, in our lineage. From Sir Thomas Morgan, knighted…
Get started on your own genealogy research
Researching my family history was at first very casual and something I thought would be fun…

Conversation between Richard and Florence Morgan
Florence and Richard at Christmas in the basement of the Shepard…
Does Anyone Know This Man?
A photo belonging to our Morgan family has surfaced. It is an older black and…
Seeking information
Seeking World War II information on Company A 1258th ENGR.C.BN
Our memorial to Edith Balsly
Edith was the matriarch of our family… the glue that held our families together and…
Researching the following surnames
I am researching the following surnames: Armitage, Atkinson, Balsly, Boeres, Boone, Capal, Ciner, Dornette, Dovey,…

Farewell to a Morgan
June Morgan passed on August 10, 2006, but she remains in our hearts. She was…
Searching for the Kopstein family from Bohemia
I have searched and searched and haven’t been able to trace back the Kopstein family…
Found! James Capal’s draft card!
I found James Capal’s draft card on It was filled out in Newport, KY…